26th Annual Awards Ceremony & Dinner
26th Annual Awards Evening on May 24 Celebrates Napa County’s Resilient Youth
Napa, California—March 24, 2021—Napa County High School students who have demonstrated exceptional courage in overcoming extraordinary challenges will be honored during a virtual annual awards evening on May 24 hosted by If Given A Chance (IGAC).
Free registration for the “Courage and Light” event is now available at ifgivenachance.org/may24. Those attending have the option to sign up for a silent auction to benefit the IGAC program that assists students through college or vocational programs with financial, educational, emotional, and moral support. Over the past 25 years, the non-profit organization has supported over 400 students who have gone on to thrive in their chosen careers.
One of these former students David Diaz will be the keynote speaker. Eighteen years ago, Diaz was a Napa County high school student who faced many challenges, including being raised by a single mother who was battling cancer. After being selected by IGAC for mentoring and financial support for his education, Diaz graduated from Stanford University with dual degrees in political science and communication and today works as the global expansion lead for mobile game developer Supercell.
The event, from 6-7:15 p.m., will also feature testimonials from current high school students being supported by IGAC; a cameo appearance by IGAC alumnae Gianna Peralta, who is employed as an infection prevention manager at Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa; and entertainment by Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter Skyler Jett and Victoria Theodore, pianist for Beyonce and Stevie Wonder. Those registering can also order an optional dinner from La Cheve Bakery and Brews, which is owned and operated by IGAC alumnae Cinthya Cisneros. Attendees are encouraged to sign on early at 5:45 p.m. for a pre-event show.
“We have chosen the theme Courage and Light for our annual event because of the courage that our students show in breaking cycles of abuse, overcoming addiction, leaving gangs, managing physical and emotional disabilities, and overcoming poverty and the light that shines from our successful alumni,” said Allison Haley, Napa County district attorney and president of IGAC.
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